Where do I begin?

I want this blog to be an ongoing record of my thoughts and feelings. The lessons I’ve learned are all important, but I often forget about them; perhaps that is one of the effects of life.

Recently, I’ve been wondering where exactly I begin. As things happen in one’s life, one often thinks about whether they identify with what has happened to them or not. “Am I the type of person to do this”? “Oh I can’t, that’s not me”. Well, where is that line? Is it a specific age that we reach that we can point to and say “That was when I was Me”?

One of my favorite lines in one of my favorite movies (Moonlight) is: “At some point, you gotta decide for yourself who you’re going to be. Can’t let nobody make that decision for you”.

I am not just a vessel of the experiences I’ve had in my life. There is a me.


“It really looked like the Sky was playing”


An Argument to Resuscitate the American Mall